‘Sinister 2’ trailer promises more home-video fear


Side note: sorry for all of the horror film related posts; since I saw It Follows last week I’ve had a resurgence of interest (even though horror is possibly my favorite genre anyway). But, let’s get ready for Sinister 2.

When the first Sinister film was released, I saw it in the theater and had so much fun. It ended up being a great horror film (shout-out to Ethan Hawke). If you haven’t seen it, it’s about a writer (Hawke) who finds a bunch of home-video tapes that record violent murders of families. He then must figure out what the connection between the videos are, and who the serial killer is. It’s awesome and pretty darn creepy.

The trailer for the sequel just came out, and honestly I wish it had more substance. I want a little bit more plot in the trailer to get a full feel for the storyline, but it does bring the scare factor for sure. It looks like there will be a lot of jump scares (of course) but there’s something about the theory of this so-called “Boogeyman” who feeds on kids that really freaks me out. So in this film, it looks like Bughuul (the name of the Boogeyman) is back for more.

Final thoughts: I will definitely be seeing this opening weekend. I loved the first film, and can’t wait to see what the filmmakers do with this sequel.

Take a look for yourself and comment below what you think!

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