The best films of 2014: Part 1


Oscar night is coming up pretty soon, so it’s time to compile a best/worst films list of the year. 2014 was a solid year for cinema, but see which ones I chose as my favorite ten.

Here are my favorite films of 2014, in order, #10 – #6.

#10. American Sniper

Genre: Action, Biography, Drama

Rating: R

I normally do not enjoy war movies at all. To me, they’re all the same: sad, long, and bloody. But this one was different and really captured me. Bradley Cooper really delivered in this role, but I think what really drew me into this movie was that it wasn’t just about war. It was about his life at home during and after war. It showed time with his family and how he struggled with PTSD. Most war movies are just about the war itself, but this showed what it’s like to try to adjust to normal life while dealing with PTSD. This is a very good movie.

#9. The Imitation Game

Genre: Biography, Drama

Rating: PG-13

When I saw this film in theaters, I honestly went in with medium-low expectations. I wasn’t quite sure this film was something I would enjoy, but I wanted to give it a shot. I ended up being blown away. Benedict Cumberbatch is incredible and really was the rock of this film. But, I didn’t know a historical biopic would capture my attention like this, and I certainly didn’t expect it to make it into my favorite films of the year. But it did, and it’s a great film that even got a few tears out of me at the end.

#8. The Theory of Everything

Genre: Drama, Biography, Romance

Rating: PG-13

One word: sobfest. This film is incredible; possibly the best acting I’ve ever seen from a lead actor. Eddie Redmayne’s portrayal as Stephen Hawking is brilliant. I’m not sure if I could handle watching this film again simply because of how sad it made me, but it was so beautiful. Film running time = 123 minutes. Approximate time I was crying = 118 minutes. The first five minutes weren’t too sad.

#7. 22 Jump Street

Genre: Comedy, Action, Crime

Rating: R

I absolutely love the Jump Street franchise. I honestly would watch as many of these films as they chose to make. Unfortunately, there are only two for right now. But this sequel might even be better than the first. It’s funny the entire time, the characters are loveable, and the plot is solid. This is a great movie that you can watch any day, any time.

#6. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1

Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi

Rating: PG-13

Yes, I’m a Hunger Games junkie. Hey, it’s a great franchise. And the third installment did not disappoint. There were times where I was on the edge of my seat. I’ll love Jennifer Lawrence forever, and her portrayal as Katniss Everdeen is on-point, as always. This film ends at the perfect cliffhanger for Part 2, and I simply cannot wait for the next (and final) film in the series.

Check back in soon to see my top five favorite films of 2014.

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