Just released: Ted 2 trailer


Big shocker that the Ted team has made a second movie (not)… But is it going to be any good?

I was on the fence about the original Ted movie. Sure, it definitely had its funny moments (I actually laughed quite a bit), but it was a movie that fell into the classic “comedy trap” like so many others do: it was a comedy movie that was funny throughout the first half, then lost its streak during the second half. Unfortunately, so many comedies fall into this trap because, let’s face it, it is extremely difficult to make a film that is consistently funny for two hours (hence, why comedies have the most likely chance to… well… suck).

But the original Ted movie was alright; like I said, funny at times but started to dwindle down. I wasn’t a huge fan, but I didn’t hate it. My thoughts on Ted 2: it doesn’t look worth a watch. The first movie did not need a sequel, but hey, it went over pretty well, so they know they can make money by making a second film. That’s the thing about franchises nowadays: sure, many of them make sense to have multiple movies (especially if based on a book series), but there are many movies that should be left alone after the first one is completed. But the movie industry is a business, and they know they can make money by making unnecessary sequels.

Watch the trailer for Ted 2 and decide for yourself whether you’ll be seeing it. But I can tell you that I am in no hurry to see this film.

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