The best films of all time: part 2


Part Two of the official, ever-so-slightly always-changing list of my top 10 favorite films of all time. A few are classics, a few are blockbuster hits, but a few might surprise you – and you need to see them.

Here are my favorite films, #7 – #5.

#7. Disturbia (2007)

This film is my favorite thriller of all time (and I am a huge fan of thrillers). It’s based on the same premise as Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954), but it packs in way more suspense and is more relatable. It’s not Shia LaBeouf’s most well-known film, but I think his best acting comes from this movie. I’ve seen this movie dozens of times and it never fails to leave me on the edge of my seat.

Rotten Tomatoes score: Critics – 68%; Audience – 77%

IMDB rating: 6.9/10

#6. Beauty and the Beast (1991)

This film is my favorite animated movie and favorite Disney movie of all time (and as a HUGE Disney fan, that’s saying something). The story in itself is a winner: to love someone for who they are on the inside, not what they look like. The characters are loveable, the songs are great, and it has enormous amounts of Disney charm. I’m obsessed; always have been and always will be.

Rotten Tomatoes score: Critics – 93% (Certified Fresh); Audience – 92%

IMDB rating: 8.1/10

#5. Easy A (2010)

This film is one of the best romantic comedies ever. It’s actually really funny, and the characters are incredible (along with the cast itself. Emma Stone rocks this movie). It’s unbelievably quotable and will leave you with pure happiness. I could watch this film every day of my life.

Rotten Tomatoes score: Critics – 85% (Certified Fresh); Audience – 77%

IMDB rating: 7.1/10

Stay tuned to see my completed list of my favorite films.

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