New movies this weekend: ticket or skip it? – Jan. 30


Three wide-release films are opening in theaters today. See which ones I think are worth a watch for your weekend night out.

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1. Black or White

Genre: Drama

Rating: PG-13

Black or White is a story about a widowed man (Kevin Costner) who is trying to raise his granddaughter on his own. He falls into a custody battle with the little girl’s grandma from the other side of the family (Octavia Spencer), which in turn brings up discussion of racial issues of black vs. white. For me, I think that this film has its heart in the right place and brings up issues highly relevant to today’s society, but it seems as if its cheesy attempt at comedy ruins the whole thing. This film will appeal most to families who are of mixed races, grandparents, and children (although the PG-13 rating might narrow that).

Ticket or Skip It: Skip It

2. Project Almanac

Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller

Rating: PG-13

Project Almanac is a story about a group of teenagers who build a time machine and, of course, things end up going awry. For me, this film doesn’t look incredible or anything, but it does look highly entertaining and should have some good thrills. I’m definitely interested in seeing this. This film will appeal most to teenagers and young adults.

Ticket or Skip It: Ticket

3. The Loft

Genre: Thriller

Rating: R

The Loft is about five married men who share a private loft house to carry out secret affairs with women, but one night they discover the body of a dead women left in bed and they must figure out how she got there. For me, I think this film looks pretty interesting and I’m hoping it will have some good thrills. But even at that, I’m not too excited to see this. Although I am a sucker for thriller movies. This film will appeal most to young adults and adults.

Ticket or Skip It: Skip It

I’m not jumping out of my seat to see any of these films this weekend, but I would choose Project Almanac as my first choice to see.

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