Oscar predictions 2015 – who will take home best picture, actor, actress?


Luckily for me, some of my favorite films of the year are looking to also be the big winners at The Academy Awards.

Photo courtesy of www.geekscholars.com

Photo courtesy of http://www.geekscholars.com

The Academy Awards ceremony is the biggest talk in the entertainment business right now. Half the fun of watching the Oscars is seeing if your predictions (and favorites) take home the golden man. Here are my predictions for this year, and I’m anxiously awaiting to see if I am correct.

Best Picture


American Sniper



The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Imitation Game


The Theory of Everything


What I’m rooting for: Boyhood. This film was not only one of my favorites of the year, it has also sneaked its way into being one of my favorite films of all time. Being able to see a boy grow up from age six to age 18 within the span of 165 minutes is mind-blowing on its own, not to mention the story of this boy’s life captured my heart. It’s the ultimate coming-of-age film.

What will win: Boyhood. Director Richard Linklater’s ambition to create a film that took 12 years to make is enough for it to take home the trophy. It’s the most groundbreaking film out of the eight nominations, and it already won the Golden Globe for Best Picture – Drama. Also, it was highly rated by critics according to Rotten Tomatoes with a score of 98%.

Watch the trailer here: 

Best Actor


Michael Keaton, Birdman

Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything

Steve Carrell, Foxcatcher

Bradley Cooper, American Sniper

Benedict Cumberbatch, The Imitation Game

Who I’m rooting for: Eddie Redmayne for his portrayal as Stephen Hawking. This was one of the greatest performances I have ever seen. Redmayne made you believe that he really was struggling with disease. It was his acting that MADE this movie, not to mention all the tears that came along with it.

Who will win: Eddie Redmayne. Although there has been a lot of buzz about Michael Keaton taking home the trophy, I can’t possibly see anyone stealing this trophy away from Redmayne. Sure, Keaton’s acting in Birdman was good and it revived his career, but his performance isn’t even comparable to the once-in-a-lifetime performance that Redmayne gave. If Redmayne doesn’t win, I just might lose trust in The Academy.

Watch the trailer here: 

Best Actress


Felicity Jones, The Theory of Everything

Marion Cotillard, Two Days, One Night

Reese Witherspoon, Wild

Julianne Moore, Still Alice

Rosamund Pike, Gone Girl

Who I’m rooting for: Rosamund Pike. I won’t give any spoilers away (but if you haven’t seen Gone Girl, I suggest you do so), but her performance is one of the best I’ve ever seen by an actress. Without giving anything away, she is beyond believable, to say the least.

Watch the trailer here: 

Who will win: Julianne Moore. This is her fourth Oscar nomination and she has yet to take home the trophy even once. Knowing The Academy, I think they will say that Moore has been nominated enough times to deserve to actually win now (unless, of course, you’re Leonardo DiCaprio). Plus, her portrayal of a woman struggling with early-onset Alzheimer’s is quite moving, I must say.

Watch the trailer here: 

Best Supporting Actor


Mark Ruffalo, Foxcatcher

Edward Norton, Birdman

J.K. Simmons, Whiplash

Robert Duvall, The Judge

Ethan Hawke, Boyhood

Who I’m rooting for: J.K. Simmons. His performance as the all-controlling jazz instructor is perhaps the most chilling non-horror film performance I have seen. He really went all-out on this role, and he is incredibly believable. A very big performance for a very small film.

Who will win: J.K. Simmons, no doubt. This is the only category of which I am 100% certain about the outcome. Taking all the buzz into perspective, it seems like no one else has a chance to win this award (although there are other great performances in this category, specifically Ethan Hawke and Edward Norton). I wonder if Simmons is as confident in his win as everyone else is.

Watch the trailer here: 

Best Supporting Actress


Emma Stone, Birdman

Patricia Arquette, Boyhood

Meryl Streep, Into the Woods

Laura Dern, Wild

Kiera Knightly, The Imitation Game

Who I’m rooting for: Patricia Arquette. Her portrayal as the mother in Boyhood made this coming-of-age film relateable to viewers of all ages. She was the rock that kept this movie on its feet and showed audiences a real depiction of what motherhood is really like. Plus, I’m overall disappointed with the nominees in this category. I don’t think that most of them deserve taking home the trophy, honestly. I wasn’t even impressed with Queen Meryl’s performance in Into the Woods. This award belongs to Arquette.

Who will win: Patricia Arquette. She’s won enough awards for this role, so why not give her the Oscar as well? All jokes aside, she is the only nominee that I can envision winning this award. The other nominees just aren’t on the same level.

Watch a clip here: 

It looks like this year I’ll be getting pretty lucky with my favorites actually taking home the Oscars.

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